Summer time is here and it's time to spend some quality time outdoors with your furry family members!!! The temperature is rising; if you're feeling the heat, remember your dog can feel it too!! While having fun, please take these precautions for your pets. Here are some tips to keep them cool this summer:
- Hydrate Keep plenty of cool water available at all times! Keep an extra water bowl outside and change the water frequently! Also, don't forget to bring water with you when taking your dog out for a walk. Did you know they have collapsable water bowls for your dogs??? They're handy to take with you when you go for a walk, so you can share your water from your water bottle with your furry family member!!!
- Provide Ample Shade When your pets are outside, make sure to find areas which would shield them from direct sunlight. Having a dog house in your backyard for them to get out of the sun is a great idea! Keep in mind that they need these shady spots for all times of the day. Don't have any trees??? Plant a flowering weeping cherry or other type of cherry tree, they are fast growing and will provide shade in no time at all!!!
- Walk With Caution Remember that while your feet are protected by your shoes or sandals, your' dogs' paws aren't. Consider this when scheduling your walking time!! Avoid the hottest parts of the day by going early in the morning or after the sun has set!
- NEVER, EVER Leave Your Dogs In A Parked Car Not even for a second! Don't leave your pet alone in the car even if the windows are open. The temperature inside the car rises rapidly. This can be DEADLY especially on hot days!
- Don't Give Your Dog A Haircut Believe it or not! You might think getting your dog a haircut will cool him or her off this summer, but it won't! A dog's coat helps regulate his body temperature. Brushing your dog's hair and not letting it get matted can provide better temperature circulation!
- Use A Dog's Life Vest In Any Body Of Water Having your dog wear a brightly colored life vest in any body of water is highly recommended. This can help your dog be easily seen & could save his or her life! Also, please be careful when letting your dog run along rocky beaches and shores for they can cut their paw pads open!
- Keep Your Dogs Bug-Free Fleas & Ticks are more prevalent during the summer months. You can use tick collars which help prevent these parasites from attaching to your dogs and ruining their summer. (and possibly giving them lyme disease!) In addition, you can use tick and flea medications. In addition to that, heart worm preventative is a must this summer, as mosquitoes transmit heart worms to your dog through a bite, and eventually can cause your dogs death!