We wanted to share with you some of the things that we are doing to keep your puppy safe during it's time with us to give you peace of mind and so you know that getting a puppy from us will be a safe transaction....and you will not be exposed to the virus at my home and your puppy will not be exposed during it's time with us. We also wanted to share some important information with you so that you are aware how this virus will impact my time on the computer and what you can expect from me during this pandemic.
Measures We Are Taking To Keep Our Puppies Safe During This Pandemic
- We are limiting visits to our home. We are scheduling each family to come in puppy pick (puppy deposit) order to pick their puppies and to bring them home the same day. Each family is given individual time with us and we will not have more than one family at our home at the same time.
- We are quarantining ourselves to the best of our ability. Basically we are limiting going out and if we do go out we have N-95 masks to wear for that short time.
- We use hand sanitizer if we go out anywhere and we apply it in the car and when we enter our home. We will sanitize our hands between puppy pick family visits to our home.
What To Expect On Pick Up Day For a Safe Pickup:
- I will wear a mask for the time you are here
- I require all people to wear a mask to pick up your puppy
- I will have hand sanitizer available for you
- I require social distancing and only one family is allowed to come at a time anyone who comes early or late will be required to wait in their car until the other family leaves.